Monday, August 15, 2011

Veil Runner

level sits on ship



  1. As a portfolio I'd go with something other than a blog personally, just makes it look a little nice on presentation. The ship level that you did for this class came out nice for the ship aspect itself. Just continue with it so there is so sort of enivronment and sky, I think it would add a lot. Its also nice to see some of your other work.

  2. You've put some serious detail into your model and it's quite impressive that you did it all in Maya. You're one of the handful of people that I hope to be as good as by the time I graduate!

    It doesn't seem very common for a portfolio to be hosted on Blogger. You may want to consider getting your own domain for your portfolio or take a current portfolio Website and redirect it to your domain.

  3. I agree with josh, try to get something more than a blog. you can keep the blog but make a separate portfolio. It'd also be nice to see the ship flying around at least a skybox if possible. if you do make a portfolio beyond the blog limit the scrolling as much as possible.

  4. Anything I could say about using a Blog as a portfolio has already been touched upon. As for the Ship. The Amount of detail you put into it is Absurd. From one Jealous artist to another, This is some amazing looking work.


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