Monday, June 27, 2011

Pump Machine/Environment

Armor Update

Here is an update of my armor with some smoother details. I wanted to have a normal map of the zBrush mesh applied to the base mesh, but unfortunately I am still having issues with creating and laying out the UVs for the armor. So my goal for the week is to get those UVs done!


Midterm Presentation

Normal Map test

Here is what I got so far on the wings and the facial edge loops.

Here's the full body.

Here are the UVs.

Mid-Term Progress

These texture maps still have a lot of cleaning up and the anatomy of the character should be fixed too. I'll probably start adding the color texture to the clothes and stuff first and than do the body after it has been altered.

These are the two current texture maps I have applied now. Once I get the body fixed I will create all the other textures in xnormal.
This is a quick representation of the low poly mesh and how it will look. Obviously many of the details are gone for the normal maps.

As far as i have gotten on the HP Bulldozer.

My pictures of normals were corrupt according to blogger but i know they are not. However they are not close to the final product.

Here is my midterm progress so far.

Old zbrush of the blightfiend just to show how i'll be starting on it
the most recent retopologization of the mesh finally added the plates on the tail and some teeth.
I'm still not happy with the face it looks like a stupid puppy rather than an nightmarish beast :\

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sci-Fi Cruiser - Midterm Update

My Initial style guide. The funny part is that that the only part of the concept that I didn't end up changing were the Tie-fighter inspired wings in the rear. this also proves that I can't draw, but that's not really a secret at this point.

Base Mesh (2,202 Faces as of 6/26)

High Poly Mesh (15,776 Faces as of 6/26)

Body Normal Map

Side Wing Normal Map

Rear Wing Normal Map

Body UV's

Side Wing UV's

Rear Wing UV's

So here is the update on my Sci-Fi Ship for the Mid-term. Upon reflection, I'm actually really happy with how it's progressing, especially considering I completely rebooted the project twice. The Normal maps and UV maps are not intended to actually be used, since the modeling process is not complete. The reason for this is that I intend to spend the next few weeks modeling the interior of the ship, and I would much rather complete the modeling/detailing process, then unwrap and texture it, to try and get a little consistency in the maps I guess.


My progress thus far has been less than seller.
I started out with a simple concept of an idea for a techno-organic ship but it did not pan out.

Eventually i ended up changing my models concept and started with something new, this is everything i have so far.

I am however having problems with the texture, i cannot get it to look right and thus have been unable to produce a working normal that is up to my standards. I hope to expand on the model and add in animation and different glows into the textured to produce light on the ends of the antenna and on the surface of the ship to emulate windows. I still have a lot of work to do and am falling behind but i hope it all works out.

Tank Rover Midterm Progress

I've made some progress for the first half of the class. I still plan on revisiting pretty much ever section though for another pass just to be sure it's how I want everything.

The first Concept Image. I know, painful to look at.

Current Base Mesh Renders:
High poly:

Still plan on adding detail, particularly fuel lines.


I combined my detail normals w/my baked normals for the main elements at the moment. I'm probably still going to tweak these and adjust the intensity of the detail map because at the moment it looks like some meteors hit my rover based on how deep some of the grainy detail is.

Also the side panels I had to go back and make them jet out from the armored plating further to accentuate that detail so the normals would show them better. When I applied the normals with my diffuse map initially all of the detail disappeared so I had to make them more pronounced.

Diffuse Maps:

I've made a little progress on these. I've updated the wheels since I've gotten the normals baked out and added some rust areas. I had a questions as to what the material of the chair was. It's supposed to be a wooden seat with some leather material pulled tight over the seat and stapled at the back, which I plan to texture this onto the back of the chair in the diffuse map later on.

Specular Maps:

Simple black and white maps that I'm not going to upload to save time and space since it's easy to just imagine the diffuse maps desaturated. However at the moment I haven't really done any tweaking to the spec maps, so I plan on going in and actually getting levels that I like later on.

Damaged Rover:

I haven't touched this since I showed it. I will go back eventually and update it. Finished damaging it and tweaking the adding the normal maps and making sure that the texture itself is based from my most recent diffuse maps so it doesn't look like the entire vehicle didn't change upon being destroyed.