Monday, June 20, 2011


Still way behind due to work but I finished tweaking my base mesh (all except for the head) and got the clothing modeled as well (though it needs a little tweaking here and there.


  1. looking good so far. my one comment at this step would be not to forget the area where the pectorals connect to the arms that way the arms dont just seem stuck onto the side.

  2. I agree with Andrew, you should defiantly take a look at some anatomical studies to make sure you are keeping everything proportioned and placed properly. Her clothes are looking good, you should defiantly use that fabric tutorial to make them look more like cloth.

  3. It's coming along and the dress looks nice. I would agree with other comments to start forming the anatomy. Don't be afriad of going a little off the image plane. It seems like maybe you don't want to get off at all, but do if you're forming the anatomy of the female.

  4. The dress definitely gives off a nurse vibe.

    As with the front of the torso and how the pectoral muscles connect to the upper shoulders to define the armpit area, the same applies to the back and the trapezius muscle defines that area in the same way.

  5. It's a very nice start. Like Josh said, don't be afraid to deviate from the original concept a bit.


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