Sunday, June 12, 2011

Train Derailing

I added some more detail into my high poly.  I reached a stopping point and baked out a normal map using xNormal.  Here was my result:

As you might be able to see, there are some strange transitions in some areas of my normal map which I really have no idea why most areas baked just fine, yet these sections come out completely jacked.  I'm still very new to normal mapping and high poly modeling so if anyone has a clue, I'd love to hear it.

Below you will see a couple of the areas that baked well:

And here's a couple areas that baked retarded-like.  I have no idea why it did this.  None of my UVs are overlapping, and I made sure to get rid of duplicate and flipped UVs (such as the wheels).

This next one below has a bar baked into the crank wheel (highlighted).
As you can see, I have a lot of work still, in order to figure this out.


  1. God job with all that. Normal mapping can be crazy hard. I remember spending more than half my time on Attero to baking normals. Don't worry about all the thirdary details. They can either be crazy bumped or simply painted into the diffuse.

  2. I too am not the greatest with normal mapping. I am not really sure what is causing these issues, but I have also had issues with normal maps doing strange things. I look forward to seeing if anyone has a remedy.

  3. looks like you're doing a good job, good luck with figuring out the messed up normals.


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