Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sci-Fi Cruiser - Midterm Update

My Initial style guide. The funny part is that that the only part of the concept that I didn't end up changing were the Tie-fighter inspired wings in the rear. this also proves that I can't draw, but that's not really a secret at this point.

Base Mesh (2,202 Faces as of 6/26)

High Poly Mesh (15,776 Faces as of 6/26)

Body Normal Map

Side Wing Normal Map

Rear Wing Normal Map

Body UV's

Side Wing UV's

Rear Wing UV's

So here is the update on my Sci-Fi Ship for the Mid-term. Upon reflection, I'm actually really happy with how it's progressing, especially considering I completely rebooted the project twice. The Normal maps and UV maps are not intended to actually be used, since the modeling process is not complete. The reason for this is that I intend to spend the next few weeks modeling the interior of the ship, and I would much rather complete the modeling/detailing process, then unwrap and texture it, to try and get a little consistency in the maps I guess.


  1. Good job on all the extra detail you've put into your high poly. Your low poly is only at half your budged so I would suggest adding pieces to your model that improves your vehicle's silhouette.

    Based on what happened with my normal map, I can tell you have some flipped normals on one of your meshes. The top right part of the rear wing normal map has this pukey-green color which based on my experience, is caused from flipped normals.

    Also, there is no diffuse map displayed here. Be sure to get that put up so we can critique that as well!

  2. It is looking good! I can't get some of the images large, but from what I can see it looks good for the most part. The normals on the rear wings have some green, which Dennis had last week on his model, turned out the normals were flipped in the scene. Check and see if that is the case. Also, practice arranging your UV's so you can pack them tighter, you did a pretty good job, but I think some could be a little tighter, not a huge deal, but it will make them look that much better when you show them off in a portfolio.

  3. Its looking like it is getting there. I am a little obsessed with micro detail so what I would recommend is adding a ton (Within logical reason) of little details that the normal map can use to make it more believable. Things like nuts/bolts/metal plating/repairs etc.

    Like dennis said, some of your green channels need a good flipping

  4. I wish Blogger would let me click on those thumbs to view it but from what I can tall, you have all your Normals laid out nicely and your ship is looking good, I can tell from last time. I think the amount of detail you are adding is great and you should keep on doing that but also add some more detail that is more general and add to the overal form of the ship.

  5. looks awesome, much better than your original simple concept. keep up the good work :)


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