Monday, June 27, 2011

Mid-Term Progress

These texture maps still have a lot of cleaning up and the anatomy of the character should be fixed too. I'll probably start adding the color texture to the clothes and stuff first and than do the body after it has been altered.

These are the two current texture maps I have applied now. Once I get the body fixed I will create all the other textures in xnormal.


  1. Looks like you had no issues with your normals or AO. ZBrush is pretty good with not jacking stuff up.

    Can't wait to see this dude all textured up!

  2. Apart from the fact that the face on your texture/Normal map is going to haunt my dreams this week, this is looking fantastic! It will be a crime if you can't get a job when you have work of this high quality. Great job! Cant wait to see the textured version.

  3. This is looking really great Buddy, I cant wait to see what the model looks like when its fully textured. You need to show me how to do your little half and half trick with the maps, keep going.

  4. Looks amazing so far. Can't wait to see it when it's finished.

  5. damn buddy, that is really good, i see a few issues here and there like in the chest but i do not know if that is an issue with the normal/texture or with your computer's rendering like you commented on.

  6. Still looking great can't wait to see it with the diffuse.

  7. Looking great! The normal maps transfered good and it does look like the high poly! This is shaping up to be a good portfolio piece!

  8. Looks good. Love the mask and I love how the cloth conforms to the strap. The back of his legs and feet look flat. Also check the joint in the arm.


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