Sunday, July 17, 2011

Diffuse Progress

I touched up my diffuse map this weekend.  There are still many small details I need to add, such as windows, handles, fans, grating, and other small things of that sort.

I will be going back through my diffuse to eliminate any obvious mirroring going on, as you may be able to see in these screenshots.


  1. Like I mentioned to you, I like the base diffuse maps. It is a good start. Next takes steps to get a drip mask and put them along edges and other places where there would be some grime. As for the windows you could texture those on and use a heighmap to add the normals if you don't want to go back to the highpoly to add them.

  2. I agree with Josh, It looks awesome for the base and to make it look more realistic is to add some blemishes to keep it from looking so clean. Its a great start though.

  3. In my opinion 90% of all metal is the spec map. I think that when you get that going it will work really well for you. The train is coming along, can't wait to see the finished.


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