Monday, July 25, 2011


I participated in the Game Jam over the weekend over the weekend so I didn't have any time for class work but I made this hand this morning to try out NURBS modeling for the assignment.


  1. Nice Sub-D hander you little cheater. Just kidding, It is a nice looking hand though. I like seeing the fingernails in there.

  2. Too bad we all can't just do it the way you did, it would make life so easy.

  3. When I heard what you did, I was both disappointed and excited. On one hand (pun intended), it came out well but you didn't do it properly. On the other, you raised the supportive question "Why do we need NURBS again?". Good job though.

  4. I was raving about these before class. I told Josh I was going to pick your brain about how you made these with NURBS... Then I found out the truth! haha

    But yeah, I think you probably saved a lot of time by doing it sorta backwards.

  5. I applaud the fact that you cheated. Why must NURBS be so difficult to work with?


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