Sunday, July 31, 2011


This was a bigger pain that I thought it was going to be. I have rigged simple tank tracks as practice before, but those were always as separate high poly links. Here The only way to get the tracks with the bones to work is to add division/or use separate links. I didn't want to add any more geometry, so I ended up making the UV's animated, which in action look just as good as moving the actual geometry. One control that I could think of a way to add easily was deforming parts of the tracks and while keeping it as a single piece of geometry and then figuring out a good way to hook that up to some control.

A breakdown of the rig:

Top Circle: Used to tilt the whole body to create some sort of slight suspension in animation.
yellow circles: used to control the drivers levers.
Orange circles: used to control the rotation of the wheels.
Blue rectangle: used to move the entire object/rig.


  1. That looks really in depth,do you think it would be possible for you to rig it so that when you pull the lever in the cab, it moves the proper component on the car? That would be cool!

  2. looks excellent, too bad it didn't work out for you with all those bones.

  3. Looks really concise for the rig which is always good. Its always sad when you have to lose the detail of the high poly.

  4. Great job boning your vehicle. I have never done this before so I can't offer any input.


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