Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rover Damaged Updated

My updated full damaged model of the tank rover. I went back and mangled it a bit more and redid the diffuse map for it and added the normal maps. This next week I plan on making some incremental stages of damage that aren't this severe.


  1. That totally looks like its from the post-apocalypse! Making increments of damage is a good idea but also remember that the deformer can be adjusted to different strengths so one overall damage can be applied at and amount to make it look less damaged when necessary.

  2. Looks like whoever drove this last took it straight to hell. I like the additional damage you added on top of what you had before. I also like the burns you added in the diffuse.

    Can't wait to see how much more jacked up you can make this thing lol

  3. I still want to complain about it looking like it died sitting still because of the way the track is laying. If you make the cut end under the wheel things and have a kind of pile of track in front where it rolled off the top as the inertia carried the tank a bit further forward.

  4. I like the thought that you put into the process of your damage. I like that it is obvious what sort of troubles this vehicle has seen.


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