Monday, July 18, 2011

More Rover Damage

Since I've already had my maps texture maps done for quite a while (I'm using diffuse, normal, spec, and AO maps) I continued creating some smaller damage iterations. I simply damaged the model a little more and I did slightly change the diffuse maps on these by adding a light layer of grunge and dirt.

I'm also going to include a "mockup" of my high damaged model with flames and smoke. Feel free to laugh at my Photoshop special effects. I've never really created smoke or fire before in Photoshop and just created something for fun off the top of my head. No real reason for this except for the fun of it.

I also make a few minor tweaks to the full damage model itself. Particularly the link that has fallen apart as suggestion from Lynn.


  1. That defiantly looks destroyed! Do you have a specular map on the Broken model texture? I think to make some of the paint look like its been melted, adding some shiny parts on where it might have been bubbling or something, it would strengthen it.

  2. The fire made me laugh at first but it actually looks really good. The destroyed model looks good and the normal looks sharp as well.

  3. Kaboom! Looks good. I think you should try what Danny said and put it into an engine and put some real flame particle emitters on it.


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