Monday, July 18, 2011

So there isnt a lot of progress on the savage character this week but it doesnt mean I havnt been busy.


  1. Cool looking concept character. It looks good. The drawing is also nice. It'll be interesting to see the horse fully completed sometime.

  2. It's coming along great! I really like the painting. I think you should keep the horse just how it is haha. It would look funny to ride.

  3. The character is coming along well so far but there are a few things that are bothering me. Take another look at the proportions as well as the structure around the upper body. Her arms and shoulders don't seem like fit female shoulders, I think they should be a bit more defined. It might just be the picture but her neck is also looking a bit too thick for this type of character.

    One last thing you should pay more attention to are the shape of the shoes from the Y axis. There are a lot more curves even in boots that are missing here and keeping those shoes from looking right.

    Your character painting is really great, I think you have a good structure and everything. From here you should start working more on the details like hair and her completion. Try and study the different epidermal features like the freckles that you have that skin like that would have.


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