Monday, July 11, 2011

Visor Movement

As far as facial expression goes for my armor, the visor is the only part that moves. In light of that I key-framed a simple movement animation for it to go up/down. For the damage model, I'm working in some surface damage to the armor in zBrush.

note: I was also able to work out my UV layout this past week. Now I'm working on painting my texture into it.


  1. I defiantly like the damage model, it adds a lot of character to the model. You should subdivide the model a bit more and keep refining the detail so everything looks nice and smooth.

  2. The dents look good aside from the really low res picture provided.

  3. Nice job with the dents and slashes. Like Lynn said, it looks like a really heavy armor set. The wearer of this armor must have taken some pretty heavy hits!

  4. Looks good, I kinda want to see a long gas on the upper chestplate but that's just me

  5. Nice damage. It would looks really cool if it had more subtle scratches and dings as well.


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