Monday, May 23, 2011

1994 Dodge Viper IP

Anatomy Check- train your artistic eye!

This vehicle has lots of flaws. How many can you count?

List them below...


  1. From the rear wheel to the trunk it looks foreshortened.

    There is a flaring out around the front wheel that isn't present in the picture.

    The overall curve of the profile in the model looks slightly shallow.

    The very front of the car in the model is lacking that downforce skirt thing.

  2. The front bumper doesn't continue the "lip" that runs along the bottom of the car. The front fender flares out. The back of the car looks squashed where in the picture is looks more stretched out.

  3. I wanted to add one more thing I noticed. The lip near the door seems to be a part of the rest of the car in the model, but in the picture it seems to be its own piece.

  4. front bumper is off, back bumper does not go up enough, top of front wheel-well is too small, door seems off, no mirror, no wheels, the thing o the bottom of the door does not go low enough....that is all i got.

  5. oh my God. Nice! Really love where this is going. A few things I've noticed


  6. Most of the people above me made all the comments i would have but the lip that goes around the front of the car should be added to make it looked more finished.

  7. Back bumper isn't long enough in addition to not going up enough.

  8. This looks great, there are some proportion issues I noticed, in the front and back of the vehicle,but overall its coming along really well.

  9. looks awesome. the front wheel-well looks like it sticks out a bit sharper than the pic and the part behind the cab look a bit more angular than it looks on the pic

  10. This car looks amazing, but what else could I expect from an industry pro?

    The only thing I noticed about your model that didn't match up with the image was the front bumper. In the photo, there is a slight indent just below the fog lights, which is absent in your model.

  11. It looks really good. Also, you get bonus points from me as the Viper is my favorite car.


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