Monday, May 30, 2011

Super Magical Medic Mesh V2

I haven't had a whole lot of time to work on this since last week and I can't really do all the texture work until I know how to do the cloth for the dress... But anyway, here's what I've got so far. The head is still a work in progress but the rest of the mesh has been cleaned up and improved quite a bit. I still need to tweak the proportions a bit (waist and bust size, etc) to make it matched my concept (as is it's a generic female) but that should be a pretty quick and easy fix once the head is done.


  1. Pay more attention to proportions, breasts like that on a frame like her's would be crippling. There are several proportion inconsistencies here; you should find a reference and try to stick with that, be really critical.

    I used this to help me get the female body down and it helps modeling characters in general.

  2. Keep going with it. I would watch the arms as well as the breast. The arms look like cylinders while the Brest look unnatural.

  3. Yeah, the breasts definitely need a reduction.

  4. Don't listen to Dennis, they still look a bit small in my opinion.

    Seriously though, reduce them. Just work on the figure a bit, keep moving them verts around. At the moment I think it looks a little...funny? Just off I guess. Get some more reference photos and take your time with every vert.

  5. Yeah I feel like the arms could use some more definition.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. sorry about the last post i had put up it was for another persons model not yours. anyway, attach the head and fix the armpits and you're well on your way, can't wait to see the tweaked proportions to match your concept.


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