Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm On A Boat

I'll be changing it soon. Saw it in a distinct dream one time.


  1. I love the style and can't wait to see it as a 3D model. I'm not sure I would undertake both a vehicle and an organic creature, but if you can then go for it. I like that just this image can tell a story itself.

  2. Are you going to be adding the cat? Seeing the boat fully finished and with high detail should look very nice. It looks like is will be a nice blend of organic and hard surface, since boats in and of themselves are kind of organic from the smooth bottoms and sides.

  3. This one makes me laugh in a good way. The concept is pretty solid and has a comical appeal.

  4. This is just trippy, I love it!!! you should totally do, do it, do it now :D

  5. It's so awesome and cute, it'll be interesting to see how it translates to 3d.

  6. This is wild; dream inspired things are always interesting. Looks like Wind Waker almost. It will defiantly look good with some kind of toon shader. Trying to actually recreate the same effect you have in your drawing in 3D would be a good challenge.

  7. OK i have no idea what is going on here...but i really do not care. The drawing is adorable and although i would love to see more views of it i think it sill be cute as a model.

  8. Danny, I think if anyone can take a concept as wacky as this and make it work in 3D, you can. Good Luck.

  9. This is going to be a pretty interesting model once it's finished. Will the cat and the boat be independent models?

    Very stylized. You should hack this into WoW lol.

  10. Like most others, I can't wait to see how this looks in 3D. Weather you include the cat or not, I think it could be a very strong piece.


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