Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tank Rover Base Mesh, Animatic, and WIP

First up is the Base Mesh. The mesh comes in at 4,997 quads. I created a quick turn around and a couple of renders of what I have:

Next up is the Animatic. This comes in at 943 quads:

For the last part I wanted to show some >WORK IN PROGRESS< of the high poly version of the rover. I am currently working with the tank treads/tracks. I also intentionally removed some wheels so the inside of the tracks can be viewed easily. I still plan on adding some detail and tweaking out the treads, which shrink and grow thanks to the pathdeform that I used:


  1. This is way over my head but I can tell you one thing, it looks really good! All that detail in the treads is awesome.

    How are you rendering these, I haven't been able to get casting shadows to render using maya.

  2. dem freaking treads man my god! one major flaw i still see though is the engine seems to have nothing going to the treads for power.

  3. Thanks for the feedback guys. Zac I didn't even think about that! Thanks for the design flaw. I will attempt to figure out a way to make it seem more realistic, so it actually works in real life.

  4. Those treads look pretty awesome. Lookin forward to see the high poly cart to go with those treads.

  5. the treads themselves are godly but as zack pointed out and many of us said on your concept sketch there still isn't anything connecting the engine to the treads. also not sure how exactly you drive it but there's no ignition or gas pedals near the seat so at the moment i'm assuming you start it like a mower then jump on and if the levers aren't exactly right it'll take off away from you ;p

  6. Amazing work so far. How many hours are those renders at?

  7. Yeah, good point again on the treads to the vehicle. I'll try to work something out so it makes sense.

    Yes, Viking the levers are meant to be the way to control the vehicle. The levers have handles that act as handbreaks. There actually is a pull string/handle for the engine...only it on the other side of the render, so yep the character must pull start the engine and hop on. All movement is controlled through the levers, so not feet involved.

  8. This is coming along impressively. The lighting in the renders is great. I'm surprised you've gotten these details out so quick. All I can say is that some of the mechanics of this vehicle need to be worked out a bit.

  9. Great work so far, especially on the high poly treads. My only thought is that it seems to be lacking foot pedals, though something like that could be controlled entirely with the handles so they aren't absolutely neccessary.

  10. ^ No doubt. I did overlook some mechanical workings of the vehicle, which will be worked out in the future.

  11. It's looking really good! An amazing amount of detail in there. How long did that take you?


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