Monday, May 30, 2011

Face detail

**3 updated images above after working on the mouth**

This has been a struggle to find where the best place is to add geometry, and then how exactly to manipulate said geometry into a realistic looking face. It hasn't turned out the way I imagined it looking, but I will keep working on it. I haven't done much of anything with the mouth. I've been working a long time on the eyes and nose, but they still don't seem right.


  1. Lets see some wireframe!

  2. I like how you have edge loops around the eye and mouth. I think the largest threat to your model is the fact that a lot of the geometry circles the ear. Have it circle the mouth or the edge of the face before splitting the direction to go behind the ear. Once you get that, it's all anatomy. Study this guy's edge loops. Rent a book on Anatomy as well.

  3. To build upon what Danny said, keep in mind that the edge loops for the face are strikingly similar to actual muscle contour. See here:

  4. It's coming along. Let's see what you can do with the mouth. Perhaps shaping it a bit more.

  5. Yeah the mouth looks off but keep working off reference and you'll get it. I can't really offer much help since i've never done a face.

  6. Good start, take your time on getting the face right, it's one of the easiest things to find flaws in since we stare at other humans' faces every day. also watch out for that seam in the lips


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